Friday, July 04, 2008


还是老问题, 不断地循环再现, 没完没了的发生, 令人烦燥.

工作量爆增是好事, 至少公司得以稳健成长, 员工们也受到保障, 是可喜的. 但毕竟都是人在工作, 不是机器, 我也明白有时你们面对庞大的工作量而却需在短时间内赶完时难免会闹情绪. 那莫名的燥愤来自压力, 你们面对赶工的压力, 我却需面对客户的压力, 其实都一样.


一旦工作不能如期完成, 我得面对客户的发难, 被他们喷得一脸屁, 我还得嘻笑应对, 心平气和的道歉, 只为了公司的声誉, 为了大家的饭碗. 然而我都尽量不对你们发怒, 完全了解你们赶工时的心情感受… 当初我也和你们一样, 算是挨过来的.

并不是完全没有解决方法, 但总不能工作量一增加就请人吧?! 只能尽量分配好时间了, 不幸撞上的话, 只好加班. 这是我所不想看见的但却频频发生, 无奈吧.

扛上责任, 就背负了使命. 无论如何都不能倒下啊…



skyng said...

Yo Bro! Can understand ur feeling.. I think u r smart enough to handle all issue n no matter wat u would make it. Just to drop by and say'add oil..add oil..' if no more oil take mine la.. must success ok!

Han Rong said...

hello there,surpise to see me here:) don't worry too much,u got this 'cow' always support u one.even far from u.the heart is close to u!!hehehe

TANKLE said...

skyng >
yeah man, actually it's happened on daily works, quite common lah... haha! some time just felt frustrated .

han rong >
wow!! finally our "yong koo" showed up here! haha! thanks man, how are you recently? :D